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Personal Finance
& Investing

What Is a Target-Date Fund?

This popular type of set-it-and-forget-it investment dials down risk as you approach retirement age.

What Is a Roth IRA?

And why would you or anyone want to consider parking some of your retirement savings in one?

Divorce and Social Security: 5 Things to Know

You may qualify for benefits equal to half those of your higher-earning ex-spouse, without needing to tell them about it or seek their permission.

Will Social Security run out? 3 myths and truths

The so-called Social Security crisis has taken root in the popular imagination, stoking fears that this pillar of retirement income in the U.S. could collapse, taking with it trillions of dollars in promised benefits. But is Social Security really running out of money?

Got Unused 529 Plan Money? Here’s Some Good News

Starting in January, participants in the college-savings program can transfer up to $35,000 to a Roth IRA retirement-savings account

Beyond the 4% rule: 5 alternative retirement income strategies

The ultimate goal: Make sure there's still something left in the tank when you reach the finish line.

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